Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, May 13, 2022
My Children, Pray for My Ukrainian Children Who Were Thrown into Two Pits Still Alive
Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy

Dear children, thank you for being here and for responding to My call in your hearts.
My children, pray, pray, pray, today as then, (apparition in Fatima) I continue to ask for prayers and conversion. If everything had been done as I requested, you would have experienced peace but instead the gates of hell have been opened and you My little ones, if you do not strengthen yourselves in faith, you will walk on the road to perdition.
I am here, with a broken heart, for all that you are allowing. My children, look at the Church, she does not want to recognize Me as Coredemptrix, I am the Queen of heaven and earth, She who brings you to My Son Jesus, I am His Mother and of all of you, accept this truth.
My children, pray for My Ukrainian children who were thrown into two pits still alive.
My children, the earth will tremble more and more, but do not fear, for I am here to protect you, there is no more time, be more and more spiritual and watch the signs of heaven and earth.
Now I leave you, with My motherly blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen
Source: ➥